
Saturday, November 10, 2012


I have been really bad at this blogging thing. So much for constant updates about London, right?

With a little over a month left here (!!!), I do not want to leave the UK with any regrets, which includes my unintentional abandonment of this blog.

I lot has happened since I last posted, and my goal is to share some of my stories (hopefully all of them) before I actually leave. As midterm work is piling on, my mind is muddled with stress, as well as many moments of self-reflection. I do think about home often, but now that London is my second home I can't bare the thought of leaving soon.

The stories will come, the adventures in and out of London will be shared. Just as soon as I finish this powerpoint presentation.

Friday, September 14, 2012

My Neighborhood: South Kensington

South Kensington, London
South Kensington, my neck of the woods for the next few months, is known to be one of the poshest neighborhoods in all of England. And I must say, at first I did feel rather "out of place" living in this area. When does a naive college student ever feel "at home" amongst diplomats and businessmen? Regardless, I absolutely adore the neighborhood. When I'm not passing by immaculate and grand row-homes or foreign embassies, I'm walking around prim private schools for uniform-clad children. Every afternoon there are always young students skipping down the Mercedes-gilded streets.

And to top it all off, some of the most beautiful and world-renowned museums in London are just a couple of blocks away. I'm very much so a museum geek, so I can totally imagine myself spending a quiet day at one of the museums, just enriching my mind while simultaneously taking a breather (which I think I will need quite often here).

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Greetings from Londontown!

I honestly don't know where to start. I have been in London for almost a week and reality hasn't kicked in yet. I pass by foreign embassies and gorgeous, column-clad homes (which probably house diplomats and wealthy businessman) in South Kensington every day, and it really hasn't fazed me. And I'll certainly have to get used to all this, since I will be a London resident until December. Scary!

Although I have traveled outside of the country before, I don't think studying in London will be anything like those summer trips to France. Not only am I living here for the next few months, but I am thrown into a whirlpool with people I don't even know. And for a shy little bug like me...this is the most frightening part. I seldom get homesick (except for my dog), but I'm hardly a social butterfly. The whole experience is intimidating and I'm hoping I find the strength in me to continue on. I am thrilled to be in such a beautiful city and I hope that this will be one of the greatest experiences in my life.

I've been meaning to start blogging about my experiences last week, but everything has been thrown at me in hyper-speed that I couldn't keep up. I'm hoping that I can frequently update this blog with my experiences, from my day-to-day happenings to my own reflections on English culture. And from the looks of it, I have a lot of catching up to do!

Until the next post!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I've been on summer vacation for about six weeks now. And like other summers, I haven't accomplished much at this point of my break. I spent a few days visiting my parents in Houston, but I wouldn't say this summer has been very productive so far. If I'm not spending hours on my feet at my retail job, I'm tidying up the house (read: trying), watching basically whatever is on TV, or more recently, dragging myself with the utmost strength doing the aforementioned because I am sick. Who gets sick in 90 degree weather anyways?

I should have started summer a little better. Maybe I could have started baking cakes again, read more books, even making bracelets. Truthfully my mind has been elsewhere and I hate having these kind of emotional distractions. So what's a girl to do?

Food poisoning, along with a few pounding migraines, a couple more upset stomachs and some body aches and nerve-chilling shivers later, it's evident that my formula for a planned summer isn't working. Clearly I need to take better care of myself, and with any hope, a "better" me can create all the motivation needed to get everything done that needs to be dealt with this summer.

I could start by eating better (step one: actually eat something), perhaps fitting in some exercise a couple days a week (unsurprisingly, being a couch potato can really cramp up my muscles), and creating a better living environment (the bedroom needs some Swiffer plus more). I sit here and ponder what I'm going to do next and I can't come to a definitive choice on where to begin. But I did eat a yogurt for breakfast this morning. Progress?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Starting new.

I'm basically halfway finished my college career. Scary! And what's even scarier? Not knowing what the next two years will entail. I have been pretty weak with the blogging this year, which is pretty sad. Now that summer is right at my fingertips, I can try to get back to blogging ways. Since I'm emotionally and mentally at a different place in my life now, I thought it'd be appropriate to create a new blog. I can't remember how many blogs I've created in my lifetime, but hopefully I stick through with this one. I don't know where exactly I'm going with this blog, but for now it'll be a home for some of my thoughts and adventures, and perhaps some of my dabbles in politics/fashion/sports/music/food and whatever sparks my interest.